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I figured you might all be wondering why I took the time to write a blog or what my goal is for this blog. Or, why you should read it. I mean, there are a million blogs out there. And, other than making me feel really good, I hope you get some information out of my posts. You know how some people just have easy kids. They sleep in the car, or in strollers, and eat wherever you take them and whatever you put in front of them. They stay near you when you go places and don't run away leaving a trail of destruction in their path. Well, I don't have one of those kids. Not. Even. Close.

I am a planner by nature, but when I had a kid that was tricky (in every sense of the word), I learned to scour the internet to find out every detail and trick for places we went to reduce the number of giant meltdowns. But, it was tough to figure it all out and took forever. So, hopefully this blog will help those planners out there and make for some fun family days.

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