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A Plague Upon Your House

It's that special time of year again. Cold season, that is. And, much like a lot of other people in Lexington, we were blessed with a little something extra over Thanksgiving. It involved a lot of coughing, sleepless nights, and snot. Buckets of snot.

Of course, my son was on the mend after about 3 days, but it took hold of my sad, asthmatic lungs and didn't let go. But, as we all know, mom's don't get a sick day. So, on a trundled. And, it just so happens that around that same time, my son found a new game he loved. It is called "race" and it goes something like this: he stands there waving this old flag we have while I run around the house a million times. And, it is pretty much all he wants to play these days. So, yeah, that rocked. But, he made up for it by playing quietly with his trains while I "rested" on the floor one morning for a few minutes. I may have gotten hit in the face a few times by Diesel and definitely got Thomas tangled in my hair once, but those few minutes were like heaven.

It is times like these that I really miss having family around to unload my child onto. Nothing sucks more than being sick and having a sick kiddo. And, I have one of those kids that being sick only means that you keep going at your normal pace, but you are just a whole lot pissier about it. No sitting on the sofa and watching hours of television until you feel better. Nope. He can only sit for a bit before needing to reenact certain scenes. Or jump. Or, jump on me.

I see these posts on Facebook. Something like, "dropped my kid off at Mom's for the morning so I could rest." What? Where exactly was I supposed to sign up for that? I must have missed that day, because my kiddo never leaves my side. Like, never. Instead, we muddle through. Even when we are both sick and you are counting down the minutes until Dad gets home. Even when I have played "race" enough times that I want to cry.

So, if you are lucky enough to have family in town to take your kiddos off your hands when you are sick, or need a minute to yourself, or to have a dinner out sans kids, give them a big high-five for me. Or, maybe a air-five to reduce the chance of anyone catching this nasty bug.

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